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Improve your wi-fi signal at home: Is your router in the right place?

Wi-fi is a fantastic invention, you can access the internet almost anywhere and on lots of different devices.  Sit in bed and watch the latest series of House of Cards on Netflix, play Xbox Live from your sofa or stream internet radio in the kitchen.

But there will be occasions when you struggle to get a decent wi-fi signal. There are many reasons for this – if your house is large, the wi-fi signal may struggle to reach far corners, for example – but the problem could be that your router is in the wrong position.

Start by turning your router off for a few minutes, then on again. If that doesn’t work, then follow these tips to find the perfect place for your router:

Where to put your wi-fi router

Tip 1: Find a central location: Place it in the middle of your home rather than at one end. Solid surfaces slow down wi-fi speeds and this reduces the number of walls it has to go through.

Tip 2: Make sure it’s away from thick walls: The thicker the wall, the harder it is for the wi-fi signal to pass through.

Tip 3: Don’t put it on the floor: Try and position it on a shelf or table. Wi-fi signals go down as well as up, so if you put it on the floor, a proportion of the signal will go through the floorboards.

Tip 4: Ensure it’s visible: The more you can see your router, the better the signal. If you put it in a cupboard, wi-fi speed and distance the signal can travel will reduce.

Tip 5: Avoid windows:  Place the router near a window and some of the signal will be sent outside.

Tip 6: Keep it away from your TV: Metal objects can reflect your signal, dispersing it.

Tip 7: Steer clear of fish tanks: It sounds strange, but water can absorb the wi-fi signal, reducing the distance it can travel

Boost your wi-fi signal

You’ve got your router in the right position. Now find out how to boost your signal.

Upgrade your router. If you own an older BT Home Hub, consider upgrading. BT is continually improving its Hubs and you’ll get better performance and features from a new device.

Thick walls are the enemy of wi-fi. They simply block the signal. Position your wi-fi router in a central location, so its signal has as few obstructions as possible. Ideally, it needs to have plenty of clear space around it.

Try putting it on a shelf at around waist height or on a desk. Avoid putting it on the floor or close to a TV, as metal objects scatter your signal.